International Fair Plovdiv is among the leaders of the exhibition industry in Southeast Europe. It organizes multi-branch and specialized business forums, including the national participation and presentation of Bulgaria at several world exhibitions. With its extensive experience, a team of highly qualified experts and international prestige, International Fair Plovdiv creates excellent marketing opportunities for companies with different profiles and development goals.
40 exhibition events
Оver 8000 participants from 60 countries
Nearly 250 000 visitors from Bulgaria and Europe
About 350 business, social, cultural and sports events
“There are only a few well-developed exhibition centers on the Balkan Peninsula and International Fair Plovdiv is the most important of them.” (Franz Reisbeck, Secretary General of the Central European Fair Alliance CEFA)
“International Fair Plovdiv invests in modern services and in infrastructure to maintain its strong position in Southeast Europe,” (Arie Brienen, President of the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry UFI) Our tradition has been developing since 1892. Then the first Bulgarian Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition was organized, the successor of which is International Fair Plovdiv. In the 1930s of the twentieth century the fair in Plovdiv acquired the status of a National Exhibition Center of Bulgaria and was accepted as a member of the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI), the most prestigious global organization in the industry. Since then, its development has continued to be very active and always in line with global trends to establish itself today as one of the leaders in Southeast Europe.