Datex Ltd is the leading designer and manufacture of POS terminals. A European leader in the branch, its mission is to change the future of the POS-business offering new innovative products, designed and manufactured by an experienced team under full quality control. With its passion for technological innovation, quality products and affordable prices, Datex has become a familiar brand worldwide.
The company was founded in 1990 by a team of scientists who worked at the Institute of Technical Cybernetics and Robotics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Initially, the Academy tolerated such a combination of research and business, but it later prohibited the employees from involvement in private entrepreneurship. The restriction outlined the path of development of those people, and they chose the private business. The results of that decision are evident ever since.
Initially, Datex developed software for MS Word cyrilization. It grew so popular that Microsoft bought the license of FlexWord in 1997. The significant market breakthrough came in 1993 when the Bulgarian legislation obliged all businesses to use cash registers. Datex decided to enter the trade with fiscal devices offering those manufactured by Samsung. The initiative enjoyed success, and the company decided in 1966 to start a device manufacture of its own, in conformity with the local requirements in the field. Thus, the first cash register MP500 was born.
Following the technological boom, Datex designed dozens of models of cash registers. Yet, this did not satisfy the innovative and ingenious team. Over 100 000 devices were sold in 11 countries in just a few years, transforming Datex into a symbol of cash registers in Central and Eastern Europe. In its urge to perfection, the company developed and introduced a system for total quality control in 2001, conforming to the standard ISO 9001:2000. Datex met the requirements of the standard ISO 9001:2000 by the end of 2001 and passed a successful certification. Since then, the system is an integral part of the design and manufacture of all products.
The rapidly developing business digitalization encouraged the Bulgarian company to join the community of mobile systems manufacturers. Moreover, Datex entered the mPOS market in 2009 offering the first local cash terminal- LineaPro. Since then, the company supplies world-famous corporations such as Apple Inc, Lowe’s, Nordstrom, Macy’s and Verzion (или Version) with mPOS products. A wide range of items conforming to EMVCo is offered nowadays. However, if Datex counted on the Bulgarian market only, its business would have ended back in the 90-ties. Yet, the company hired commercial agents and distributors in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as in many countries worldwide.
They offer a wide range of terminals, mobile printers, barcode readers, and other devices to facilitate the trading activity of various companies. Annually, Datex supplies the marked with hundreds of thousands of devices, and its continuously growing revenue approaches an annual turnover of 100 million Euros. Datex has considerable experience in the manufacture of end devices meeting any customer’s individual needs. For more than 30 years, the company proceeds to be a symbol of success, innovations, loyalty and quality. We guarantee that this will continue to be the case!
Datex Ltd